Lori Kuhn GRMS

It's nice to meet you

Grief Recovery is about completion of what is emotionally unfinished. Completion is the action of discovering and communicating directly or indirectly, the undelivered emotions which attach to any relationship that changes or ends. The Grief Recovery Method will give you the tools and a plan of action to deal with your emotional reaction to all the things you wish had happened differently, better or more along with all the unrealized hopes, dreams and expectations about the future. I offer this method in both a group format and a one on one on line. Initial consult is free.                                                                                                                                              The Grief Recovery Method is based on
The Grief Recovery Handbook by John James and Russell Friedman

Starting January 2021, I will be offering Helping Children With Loss. This program is for parents/caretakers/teachers or anyone who is responsible for helping to mold the minds of children. 


What is Grief Recovery?

Recovery means feeling better.
Recovery means claiming your circumstances instead of your circumstances claiming you and your happiness.
Recovery is finding new meaning for living without the fear of being hurt again.
Recovery is being able to enjoy fond memories without them causing painful feelings of regret and remorse.
Recovery is acknowledging that it is perfectly ok to feel sad from time to time and to talk about those feelings no matter how those around you react.
Excerpt from page 6 of
The Grief Recovery Handbook

CHECK OUT THIS FREE EBOOK - GUIDE for LOSS (click on the link)

More about me

After losing a daughter and my husband within a 4 year period, I felt that there was no way I could ever be happy again. I was lost and needing more support than I was getting. I am blessed to have a rock star family who had offered support and love but it wasn't enough. My work situation as an RN became more and more stressful as no one understood the level of pain I was in and I was forced to smile and put on a happy face whenever I went there. No one understood but, how could they? This was my grief and my pain. I decided to retire and leave the work situation that was becoming overwhelming and not allowing me to grieve the way I should have been. After retiring, everything came crashing down on me and I realized I never had the chance to grieve my daughter as my husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer 9 months after she passed and my focus became his care. Now, I needed to work on losing both of them. I felt heartbroken and lost. I became a Certified Grief Counselor. The courses validated what I knew and what I was experiencing but didn't give me any real tools or a plan of action to deal with my grief. Then, I found The Grief Recovery Method. Finally, there was hope that I would not have to feel the way I was feeling for the rest of my life. Grieving should not be a permanent condition. Grieving should naturally lead to grief recovery but because of so much misinformation that we received since we were little about grief, we don't even realize that recovery exists or is possible. GRM helps people realize that recovery is possible and gives them hope that there is something they can do and then gives the actions and tools that lead to recovery.
After completing the program and becoming a specialist, I can honestly say I am happy again at a level I never thought was possible.